Dramatic Accident: SUV Left Dangling from Coral Gables Parking Garage After Crash; Woman Rescued

Dramatic Accident SUV Left Dangling from Coral Gables Parking Garage After Crash; Woman Rescued

A woman was saved following an incident that resulted in a Porsche SUV hanging precariously from the third level of a parking structure in Coral Gables, Florida, on Monday, according to authorities.

A woman driving an SUV accidentally pressed the accelerator, leading to an incident on the third floor of a garage located at 1567 San Remo Avenue, according to officials.

Officials from Coral Gables Fire Rescue reported that the collision propelled the SUV through a concrete barrier.

Footage captured from Chopper 6 revealed the white SUV precariously positioned over the edge of the garage, leaning against a tree.

Authorities reported that a woman was found inside the vehicle, precariously positioned halfway out and supported by a tree.

Brave rescue workers employed ropes to safely bring the woman to safety, and she was subsequently transported to a nearby hospital where she is reported to be in stable condition.

“Pretty sure that she was pretty shaken up, but looking at it from outside, she was fairly calm considering how dramatic this incident was,” Coral Gables Fire Rescue Division Chief Xavier Jones said.

A worker from the medical office nearby reported hearing the collision as it happened.

“I basically heard a car peeling out, like they hit the gas by accident or trying to go really fast. I heard a really hard crash, so I thought it was a car crash between two cars,” Katiana Polanco said.

Authorities deployed a crane to extract the vehicle, and structural engineers are set to assess the garage’s condition.


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