Montana Traffic Law The Ins and Outs of Making Right Turns at Red Lights

Montana Traffic Law The Ins and Outs of Making Right Turns at Red Lights

The vast landscapes and stunning roadways of Montana make driving a delightful experience; but, the restrictions placed on cars, particularly at crossings, can be difficult to understand. Many motorists in Montana inquire, “Is it possible to turn right on red?” As is the case in life, the answer is contingent. This blog provides information regarding the right turn on red law in the state of Montana, including the most recent updates, important elements, and suggestions for improving junction safety.

Gaining an Understanding of the Right Turn on Red Rule in Montana

The rule that appears to be straightforward is actually quite difficult. Taking a right turn at a red light is permitted in the state of Montana. The flashing red circular signals and the solid red lights are included in this category.

The permission in question is subject to certain limitations. Notice the signage that prohibit making right turns on red. At intersections with a large volume of traffic or little visibility, these signs are frequently seen.

Montana Red Right Turn Requirements

A safe right turn on red in Montana requires following precise standards, even when signs don’t forbid it:

  • Stop: This may seem obvious, but it’s vital. You must stop completely before the stop line or crosswalk (whichever is closer). Rolling stops are dangerous and unlawful.
  • Yield the Right of Way: Stopping doesn’t give you permission to turn. You must yield to crossing pedestrians and incoming cars with a green light or turning left. This includes vehicles turning left from the opposite direction and going straight through the intersection.
  • Proceed cautiously: Avoid the turn if it requires a rapid halt or is dangerous. Check for pedestrians, cyclists, and approaching cars before advancing.
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Montana Right Turns on Red Safety Tips

While turning right on red saves time, safety comes first. Remember these additional tips:

  • Pedestrian/Cyclist Double-Check: Crosswalks and sidewalks should be watched, especially when there’s no traffic. You may not see pedestrians and bicycles crossing a green signal.
  • Maintain Safe Following Distance: To avoid rear-end collisions if the vehicle in front of you stops unexpectedly for unknown reasons, leave plenty of space.
  • Avoid Distractions: Stop using your phone and concentrate on driving. Distractions can slow response time.
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  • Be Extra Careful at Night: Turning right on red at night is risky due to poor visibility.
  • Watch for School Zones and Crosswalks: Schools and designated crosswalks have more pedestrian traffic, so be careful.

Different Montana Cities’ Right Turn on Red

The rule applies statewide, however Montana’s various cities may have special regulations or greater accident rates owing to right turns on red. Quick glance at some major cities:

  • Billings: As Montana’s largest city, Billings has more traffic. Be careful and aware of signs at busy junctions.
  • Missoula: The University of Montana campus and surrounding area have high foot activity. Watch for crosswalks and pedestrian areas.
  • Bozeman: Traffic in Bozeman has grown due to growth. Take additional time turning right on red, especially during busy hours.

Right Turn on Red Mistakes and Prevention

Even seasoned drivers sometimes make mistakes going right on red. Some typical mistakes and how to avoid them:

  • Failure to Stop: Rolling stops are dangerous. Make sure your car stops before continuing.
  • Yield the Way: Not yielding the right of way causes many accidents. Always yield to pedestrians, green-lit traffic, and left-turning automobiles. Check for motorcycles and bicycles before turning.
  • Illegally turning red: Read signs carefully. A red turn arrow or “No Turn on Red” sign prohibits right turns on red.
  • Check Blind Spots: Do not rely only on your rearview mirror when turning right. Before turning, check your blind area for oncoming traffic.
  • Turning Right on Red in Heavy Traffic: If the junction is busy, wait for the light to turn green to prevent being stuck or starting a chain reaction.
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The Value of Defensive Driving

Right turns on red can enhance traffic flow when done correctly. However, defensive driving matters. Key principles to remember:

  • Be Consistent: Communicate your goals and minimize surprises.
  • Stay Aware: Always check mirrors, blind areas, and the intersection.
  • Leave Room for Error: Follow safely and anticipate other drivers’ behaviors.
  • Adjust Speed: Slow down at junctions, especially while turning right on red.


Practice defensive driving and familiarize yourself with Montana’s right turn on red law to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience. Remember to arrive in a safe manner and not in a hurry. By adhering to the advice provided in this article, you may safely navigate the junctions in Montana and make driving safer for everyone.

Disclaimer: Our team has meticulously fact-checked this article to ensure accuracy and eliminate any misinformation. We are committed to providing honest, reliable, and trustworthy content for our readers.

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