The Believers: Meet the 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Gullibility

The Believers Meet the 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Gullibility

The 12 signs of the zodiac all communicate differently. Some are more impressionable, while others are more headstrong—and that means some of the signs are more gullible than others.

Of course, we’re not saying that the following three signs always make for gullible people or that the other signs are never gullible themselves, but in terms of the fundamental qualities of each zodiac sign, these three are the most likely to believe anything.

And P.S., this applies to sun signs, as well as moon signs and rising signs.

1. Pisces

The most gullible zodiac sign of them all is none other than whimsical Pisces. Don’t take it the wrong way, Pisces, but your empathetic and dreamy nature can sometimes lend itself to naivety.

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After all, Pisces is the only water sign that doesn’t have armor for boundaries. (They’re represented by fish, whereas Scorpio is a scorpion and Cancer, a crab). And not only that, but Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Neptune is quite literally the planet of illusion, dreams, and fantasies. In other words, it’s all too easy to manipulate a Pisces if they haven’t realized how impressionable they are.

Piscean folks would do well to ensure they’re not mistaking fantasy for reality or projecting their delusions onto others.

2. Aries

Up next, we have Aries—and for a whole slew of different reasons than Pisces. Where Pisces is naive and romantic, Aries is impulsive and more than a bit reckless. They’re gullible in the sense that they don’t think twice if they want to jump on board.

The Believers Meet the 3 Zodiac Signs Known for Their Gullibility

These fiery folks simply move too fast to catch a lie. Before they have a chance to notice, they’ve already moved onto the next thing. And if the lie includes something that excites them, they’re definitely not going to give the possibility you could be lying a second thought.

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Aries would do well to slow down and check things over before they let their impulsiveness get the best of them.

3. Libra

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And finally, we have Libra as the third most gullible of the zodiac signs. Libra is known to be the peacekeeping diplomat of the signs, but they’re also known for being indecisive, impressionable, and codependent. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, Libra also wants to keep the boat from rocking at all costs.

As such, they tend to view people through rose-colored glasses, assuming the best in people and rarely suspecting anyone of lying. They’re really just too sweet for this cruel world, and their trusting (and sometimes passive) nature can get them into bad situations.

Libras can avoid these mishaps by not romanticizing people, asserting their boundaries, and letting people earn their trust before just giving it away.

The takeaway

Someone’s sign is never a guarantee that they’re gullible or easily lied to—but in terms of the basic qualities of Pisces, Aries, and Libra, it might be worth it for these three to exercise a little more caution when it comes to believing everything they hear.

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