Virginia Lottery player shocked by $342K Cash 5 jackpot win

NEWPORT NEWS, Virginia Before Rodney Dawes realized he had won the $342,862 jackpot in the January 6 Cash 5 with EZ Match drawing, he had to take another look at his ticket.

Dawes allowed the machine to generate his numbers at random after matching all five of the numbers—1, 13, 20, 21, and 32—on a ticket he bought online using Easy Pick.

EZ and Cash 5 The initial reward in the rolling jackpot game Match is $200,000. There is a 1 in 1,221,759 chance of winning the prize if all five numbers match.

Dawes lives in Newport News, which last fiscal year received over $39.7 million in Virginia Lottery funding for K–12 education. In Fiscal Year 2024, the Lottery raised over $934 million for public schools, which is around 10% of the state’s K–12 budget.

In addition to promoting responsible play and ticket checks, the Virginia Lottery supports education throughout the Commonwealth.

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