Washington Rescue Dog Becomes a Hero, Saves Injured Elderly Owner in Remote Woods in Stevens County

Washington Rescue Dog Becomes a Hero, Saves Injured Elderly Owner in Remote Woods

A heroic rescue dog, just thirteen years old, rescued an elderly man who had spent hours frantically phoning for help in the woods.

Rescue dog Gita of Washington State saved the life of her senior owner after she alerted police to his whereabouts hours after he had hurt himself badly in a fall in the woods.

According to the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office, the brave puppy sprung into action on September 25 when a deputy saw her sitting in a remote forested area on the side of the road. The officer tried to corral Gita into his car but to no effect.

The sheriff looked all over for the dog’s owner, but when he came back, he saw Gita lying in the street.

According to the sheriff’s office, the deputy tried to pull Gita off the road, but the horse bolted up a seldom used, unmarked road, and he eventually found her elderly owner sitting on the ground, yelling for assistance from a cabin nearby.

The 84-year-old guy had harmed himself three hours earlier and had other medical issues that needed attention; he had fallen and hurt his leg, and he faced catastrophic consequences if he was not located, according to authorities.

The sheriff’s office posted the tale on Facebook, hailing the deputy who heard the puppy’s cries for help and the 13-year-old dog as a “good girl” and “true hero.”

“It turns out the dog, Gita, is a 13-year-old rescue dog and best friend of the gentleman in trouble,” the sheriff’s office said.

“We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us.”


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