Watch Out: These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Prone to Backstabbing and Unreliability

Watch Out These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Prone to Backstabbing and Unreliability (1)

Each of the 12 zodiac signs possesses unique strengths and weaknesses. Some are great at putting in the effort, others shine in intimate moments, and certainly, some signs are more prone to infidelity than others.

While we aren’t claiming that these signs will definitely betray you, or that others won’t, when it comes to their energy and tendencies, these three are the most prone to backstabbing.


Geminis often earn the label of being “two-faced.” This perception stems partly from their adaptable nature, which can sometimes lead to instances of betrayal and backstabbing.

Geminis, being an air sign, often exhibit a tendency to be unpredictable and changeable, shifting their opinions swiftly and without warning. They prefer to steer clear of getting caught up in others’ drama, even if they enjoy discussing it, and maintain a relaxed detachment. Be aware that if they feel their freedom is being restricted, they might decide to escape.

When it comes to chatting, it’s safe to say that Gemini excels in this area. Be cautious about what you share with these individuals, as they struggle to maintain confidentiality. If someone is going to let you down, it will probably be a breach of trust.


Those who have encountered the intensity of an upset Aries will likely understand why they claim the top position on our list. Being the initial sign of the zodiac, individuals born under Aries focus primarily on their own needs.

Aries stands out with its remarkable self-assuredness, confidence, and bravery, much like an only child basking in the spotlight. In relationships, those strengths may not always carry over. These individuals can be moody at times, and highly confrontational at their peak.

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Individuals born under Aries often adopt a “my way or the highway” mindset, showing minimal consideration for differing viewpoints if they don’t align with their own. What about betrayal? An Aries acts without hesitation. They believe in seeking forgiveness rather than waiting for approval.


Lastly, we present Sagittarius, the daring and outspoken archer of the zodiac. Although these playful signs are recognized for their adventurous and spontaneous nature, it doesn’t necessarily imply that they are dependable friends or partners. Actually, it’s just the reverse!

What they perceive as spontaneity may come across as impulsive to others. It’s not unusual for a Sag to cancel plans, break commitments, or abruptly end connections, leaving no trace behind. Similar to Gemini, Sagittarius craves freedom and growth, which makes them quite elusive.

If a Sagittarius is going to let you down, it’s likely by not following through on a promise or by avoiding commitment altogether. If you can accept their unpredictability and constant desire for freedom…they can be enjoyable company, right?


To reiterate, these signs aren’t guaranteed to let you down, and other zodiac signs can definitely still surprise you in untrustworthy ways. If you’re working on trust issues and wish to safeguard your energy, it could be beneficial to be particularly selective with Sag, Gemini, and Aries.


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