New Jersey cop rescues 11-year-old boy from fall through icy lake

New Jersey’s West Long Branch.According to authorities, an 11-year-old boy fell through the ice at Franklin Lake on Tuesday afternoon and was rescued by a West Long Branch police officer.

At 2:41 p.m., police were called to report that a child had fallen into the river. The youngster was discovered adrift in the middle of the lake by Patrolman Dave Brosonski, the first officer to arrive and a highly skilled water rescue specialist.

According to a statement from the West Long Branch Police Department, Brosonski jumped into the icy water without hesitation and managed to save the child.

The agency thanked Brosonski for his prompt action and acknowledged the response of the West Long Branch Fire agency and West Long Branch Emergency Medical Services.

Chief Botti praised the cooperation that resulted in the boy’s rescue, giving special recognition to first responders and community members who promptly notified the authorities.

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